Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Writing Workshop - Favorite Words

Think of your six favorite words. They might describe a special thing, remind you of a special place or time, or just be fun to say.


There will only be ten words kept in the world. You have been asked to nominate one of your favorite words to be included in those ten. You must write a convincing argument for including your word. Tell why it is special. Tell why it can be used. Tell why it is very important to keep this word.

Think of your six-favorite words. They might describe a special thing, remind you of a special place or time, or just be fun to say. For example, here is a list of a friend's favorite words. She even made up one word on her list. Can you tell which one is made up?


Now choose your six favorite words. You might have more than six favorite words. If you do, great! Just write them all down. Then go back and delete some choices until your final list contains only your six favorite words.

Then you choose one of the words from your list and write an advertisement, offering that word for sale .

Two examples:

FOR SALE! ONLY THREE LEFT!!! Own the word TWITTERPATED for yourself! Be the first on your block with this great new word to express strong feelings of love and affection. Only $13.47 each.

THINK OF IT! Your own personal GREEN! Only a few of this model left. A
special gift for that someone who has red, yellow, and blue, but no green. A steal at $65,962.21.

Recall there will only be ten words kept in the world. You have been asked to nominate one of your favorite words to be included in those ten. You must write a convincing argument for including your word. Tell why it is special. Tell how it can be used. Tell why it is very important to keep this word.

Share your advertisement by clicking on Comments and uploading it.

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