Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Col. Edwin D. Metcalf Home

This home at 86 South Street was built by the Abraham C. Groot family. But it is most remembered as the home of Col Edwin. D. Metcalf.

Colonel Metcalf was to temporarily manage an old industry, create a new one, and tranform the appearance of downtown Auburn, NY.

Colonel Metcalf wa a successful businessman and politican in Springfield, MA. The Colonel's first introduction to Auburn was when he purchased Josiah Barber & co. at an auction. In 1890, Colonel Metcalf came to Auburn to take temporary charge of the D>M> Osborne Co. In 1903, Colonel Metcalf found the Columbian Rope Co. Colonel Metcalf purchased some of the run-down buildings in downtown Auburn and erected the Metcalf and Flint buildings and refurbished the Columbian and Bon-Ton buildings. Moist of these buildings were demolished for the Loop Road construction during the 1970s.

1904 Litho Image Of The Columbian Rope Company

The Logan School, a private primary school was formed in 1927. In 1939 the Logan school moved into the Metcalf home. The school, under the leadership of Mrs. Chauncey Hoskins, offered French in the second grade, drama, art, music and special tutoring in the afternoons for students applying to prep schools. Eventually Logan School owned the property and continued operating until the association was dissolved in 1951.

Today, 86 South Street housed eight apartments.

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