Thursday, September 14, 2006

A Lone Star State Progressive

Ann W. Richards died September 13th, at her home in Austin.

Richards, a champion of women’s rights, once told a television audience, “Ginger Rogers did everything Fred Astaire did. She just did it backwards and in high heels.”

This silver-haired Texas activist declared, “... in politics, your enemies can’t hurt you, but your friends can kill you.”

As Texas governor, Richards underestimated her Republican challenger George W. Bush and was upset in 1994. Later, Richards acknowledged that Bush had been much more effective at “staying on message” and made none of the mistakes that her campaign strategists had expected.

A voice for "New Texas" has been silenced.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

What should I do with all the time on my hands?

Well. Allow about a year and a half for planning, building and photographing. Lay out your 75,000 Lego pieces. Build a Lego Church.

Once completed your Lego Church will be 7 feet by 5 1/2 feet by 30 inches. It will seat one thousand three hundred seventy-two Lego church members. It will have three thousand nine hundred seventy-six windows. It will feature a balcony, a Narthex, stairs to the balcony, restrooms, coat rooms, mosaics, a nave, a baptistry, an altar, a crucifix, a pulpit and an elaborate pipe organ.

Half our life is spent trying to find something to do with the time we have rushed through life trying to save. - Will Rogers

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Keep an eye on your license plate!

Have you checked your license plate lately? It seems people are stealing the plates to get free gas.

With gas prices soaring, people are putting stolen license plates on their car, filling up at the gas station, and driving off without paying. When the license plate is reported as the "drive off vehicle", guess who gets a visit from law enforcement.

Are your license plates where they are suppose to be?

Monday, September 11, 2006


Blessed are the meek,
For they shall inherit the earth.

One’s spirit accepts God’s dealings with us as good. This meekness before God is a fruit of power. Meekness places the infinite resources of God at one’s command.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Classroom Inquiry and Teacher Response

"What are we doing today?" After being in the system for years, as a student should realize that this lesson is the activity for the day.

"Why do we have to learn this?" Using vast statistical reviews, educational textbook editors have determined this information to be a basic necessity for your growth.

"When am I ever going to need this in real life?" While skepticism maybe the door post of your adolescent viewpoint, one cannot always anticipate a future need.

"Will this be on the test?" Only if grades are due.

"Can I go to the bathroom?" Of course.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Let the fun begin.

Welcome back.

As the school doors open, the schoolhouse seems to be little changed. This might be the year to accomplish those things that you previously only dreamed about attempting.

Why not begin by putting some fun in your classroom. Sign up to participate in an Online Project.